Heritage Science 2023

Spring Meeting 2023

Heritage Science: Are manuscript studies experiencing a ‘Scientific Turn’?
Virtual seminar hosted by the Bodleian Library, Oxford
28th April 2023, 11.00-13.30

Recording of the event:

Four talks by speakers from Glasgow, Oxford and Cambridge shed light on the development and application of non-invasive analytical techniques in manuscript and archive collections. These approaches are now increasingly widespread, offering conservators, curators and researchers quantitative data of unprecedented detail about parchment, inks, pigments and other features. This has opened new avenues for study, but also prompts questions about how such access should be assessed, managed and recorded.

To book: tinyurl.com/AMARCOxford2023

Summary Programme

11.00 Welcome. James Freeman, AMARC Chair
11.10 ARCHiOx: seeing the unseen in Bodleian collections. John Barrett, Bodleian Libraries
11.40 Reading beneath the lines: exploring manuscripts through biocodicology. Sarah Fiddyment and Matthew Teasdale, University of Cambridge
12.10 Break
12.30 Pollen in the gutter: a potential source of provenance information. Keira McKee and Eileen Tisdall, University of Glasgow and University of Stirling
13.00 Scientific aids for the study of manuscripts: R.B. Haselden and the history of heritage science. James Freeman, Cambridge University Library
13.30 Close