Westminster Abbey 2023

Autumn Meeting 2023/AGM

Westminster Abbey
11 October 2023, 9.45-16.30

Westminster Abbey: Manuscripts, archives, history
Included curator-led tours of the Sanctuary and Shrine, Library and Muniment Room

AMARC’s Autumn 2023 meeting explored the rich documentary, literary and artistic history of the Abbey, with talks by leading scholars in the field, curator-led tours of some of the site’s spectacular attractions, and entry to the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries in the recently refurbished 13th-century triforium.

Registration (includes tea/coffee, lunch and Galleries admission):
£40 AMARC members / £45 non-members
Students: £35 members / £40 non-members
Speaker (Free)

Summary Programme
9.45 Registration + tea/coffee
10.25 Welcome. James Freeman, AMARC Chair
10.30 The Early Charters of Westminster Abbey. Simon Keynes, Trinity College, Cambridge
11.00 Henry III and Westminster Abbey. David Carpenter, King’s College London
11.30 Break
11.45 Henry III and the Cosmati Mosaics. Warwick Rodwell, Consultant Archaeologist
12.15 Library and Muniment Room Tour (Group 1) /Sanctuary Tour (Group 2)
13.00 Lunch and AGM
14.15 More than meets the eye: pigment analysis of medieval wax seals. Stuart Black, University of Reading, and Elizabeth New, Aberystwyth University
14.45 Break
15.00 Visit to the Galleries
15.45 Library and Muniment Room Tour (Group 2) / Sanctuary Tour (Group 1)
16.30 Attendees wishing to stay for Evensong may take their places at this point